Making self-employment

more accessible for all

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1,000 freelancers, solopreneurs & small business owners

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How can I help you?

Turn your expertise into a successful business

Create efficient systems that save you time and money

Turn your LinkedIn profile into an opportunity generator



A bite-sized course in

how to thrive as a freelancer. 

Module 1 - Freelancing is a business

Develop a business mindset, work out your mission and values. Find your USP and craft your unique offer.

Module 2 - Branding

Develop both your professional and personal brand, market yourself and learn how to use social media to your advantage.

Module 3 - Outreach & Lead Generation

Flex your outreach muscles to generate and develop those all-important leads.

Module 4 - Business Matters

How to create and manage an effective efficient freelance business. Learn how to set out your terms, manage your workflow and your time.

Module 5 - Finding Balance

Learn how to create the lifestyle you want - on your own terms. Discover how to build structure, set boundaries and conquer self-doubt.

Module 6 - Money Matters

How to set up and run your finances and get paid what you deserve and more!


Hey, I’m Adam and I’m a proud solopreneur and freelance business owner. I started my freelance business with no clients, no portfolio and very little savings during a global pandemic.

I didn’t have a clue how to run a business at first but I’ve made a real success of it and discovered so much along the way. And now I’m sharing it all with you and I know it will make your self-employment adventure a success too.

I run a successful video production company called CreativeAF and have worked with a number of international clients on their creative content.



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